AMISOM Boss Tours Recently Captured Bariire Town, Lauds UPDF

The AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. Gen. TigabuYilma Wondimhunegn has paid a visit to Amisom and SNA troops in the newly captured town of Bariire.

The Force Commander conducted the visit to inspect the newly established Forward Operating Base constructed by AMISOM and check the status of readiness of SNA and AMISOM troops deployed in the area since the flash out of Alshabaab from the town.

The recently captured territory by a combined force of UPDF under AMISOM and SNA had become a business hub for Alshaabab where they collected taxes and abducted recruits into their ranks and files to sustain their campaign against the Somali Federal Government and AMISOM

While meeting commanders and troops on the ground, the Force Commander emphasized that troops should provide security to the local population.
“Cultivate the spirit of cooperation with local leaders, organizations and Local population in order to create an enabling environment for peace and stability in Bariire town. The people of Bariire have had enough of Alshabaab forced rule and their time of liberation has come” Gen Tigabu emphasized.

The Force Commander was accompanied by the Sector one Contingent Commander Brig Michael Kabongo. In his address to the troops, Brig Kabango thanked the peacekeepers and SNA soldiers for the job well done.

He advised them to keep vigilant and focus on the enemy activities and plans in order to deny any enemy element from regrouping and causing mayhem to the people of Bariire or own troops.

“The work of liberating Bariire is majorly done but the enemy is not completely annihilated, keep alert and vigilant and never allow Alshabaab to again make any attempt of disturbing the freedom of the people of Bariire and Somalia as a country,” said Brig Kabango.

Bariire town located in the lower Shabelle region of Somalia remained under the firm control of Alshabaab until recently when a combined force of SNA and AMISOM flashed them out causing them heavy losses on both personnel and equipment. They abandoned their bases allowing AMISOM forces and SNA to establish a permanent base and add it to already big swaths of territory captured from Alshabaab extremists.

The visit was also attended by Lt Col Patrick Opira, the Commanding Officer of Ugandan 13 Infantry Battalion Task Force, Capt Abdi Ali Raage SNA commanding officer in Bariire, among others.

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