Road infrastructure vandalism culprits face tough penalties – Minister Katumba

The Minister of State for Works, Gen Katumba Wamala has revealed that those found vandalizing road infrastructure will face tough penalties after the passing of the Roads Bill, 2018.

Katumba Wamala who moved for the second reading of the  Bill on Tuesday,07 May 2019 said that law is also intended to ensure the safety of road users as well as deal with cases of encroachment of road reserves and improve on the road network.

“There is a need for stringent measures prescribed by regulations to ensure the safety of road users during construction, operation and maintenance of public roads, for example, provision of pedestrian crossings, footways, overhead bridges, and road furniture,” Gen Katumba Wamala said.

The Bill seeks to reform and amend laws relating to the development, management, and maintenance of public roads.

The Chairperson of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure, Hon. Robert Kafeero Ssekitoleko said that the proposal to increase the road reserve to 40 meters will enhance the country’s development agenda.
“The Committee recommends that the Roads Authority should first acquire land in accordance with Article 26 of the Constitution and thereafter reserve after the acquisition,” added Kafeero Ssekitoleko.
He pointed out that synchronization of the country’s national axle load control is in line with the rest of the East African Community timing.

“In addition, axle load control will help protect roads from damage and increase their lifespan and ultimately give value for money,” said Kafeero Ssekitoleko.

He noted that while the Bill had initially proposed hefty penalties as deterrent measures against various offenses, some penalties were exorbitant and unrealistic, and would render the law hard to implement.
“The Committee, therefore, proposes re-alignment of penalties to maintain their prohibitiveness, but also reflect realism and practicality,” said Kafeero Ssekitoleko.

According to the Bill, a person who fails to comply with a speed limit set by the Minister commits an offense and is liable, on conviction to a fine not exceeding ten thousand currency points, or imprisonment not exceeding seven years, or both.

The Bill further provides that where any damage is caused to any bridge, road furniture or road pavement, the transporter shall compensate the relevant road authority for the damage and shall be liable for any costs, charges or expenses in that respect, including any axle or gross vehicle weight overload fines payable under the law.

Hon. Jonathan Odur (UPC, Erute South a) in his minority report argued that there was an inadequate public consultation on the Bill.

“The committee had agreed to hold five regional consultative meetings in Western, Northern, Eastern, Central and Southern, but failed,” said Odur.

He added that the committee consulted only seven stakeholders, including Ministry of Works, Uganda National Roads Authority, Road Fund, Police and Uganda Human rights settlement network, which he said were not representative of the entire country.

“The committee leadership was repeatedly reminded to hold public hearings but disregarded the call. The Bill should involve countrywide consultations because it has a huge bearing on the public if enacted,” said Odur.

The Deputy Speaker, Jacob Oulanyah deferred debate on the Bill to tomorrow, 8 May 2019.

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