MPs concerned about vacant positions in districts

Members of Parliament have expressed concern over the understaffing in local governments which has affected service delivery in the country.

Amuria District Woman MP,  Hon. Susan Amero said that officers have been transferred from districts leaving their posts vacant “With these transfers that have left skeleton systems operating in the different local governments, how do you expect adequate work to be done? Has government provided more money to cater for staff to fill these positions,” Amero said.

Buliisa County MP,  Hon. Stephen Mukitale said that issues of work structures could affect the oil and gas industry if they are not urgently addressed. He added that the Public Service Ministry should create structures with the intention of mainstreaming personnel needed in the industry.

“Besides the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, we have many regulators. Public Service must make sure that all ministries, departments, and agencies have the capacity,” says Mukitale.

The concerns were raised during a meeting between MPs on the Committee on Public Service and Local Government and officials from the Ministry of Public Service, led by State Minister,  Hon. David Karubanga.

The Acting Director in charge of Management Services,  Betty Banyoya told MPs that the Public Service Ministry sets up necessary work structures and determines wages for officials, but the mandate to provide necessary funding lies on the Finance Ministry.

“We do not know how prepared districts are in having oil flow and the need for structures. It is the responsibility of the local governments to raise an issue with the public service ministry which can help them set up the necessary structures,” said Banyoya.

MPs were also concerned about the unfunded activities reported in the ministerial policy statement which had not been highlighted for effective legislative action.

“The unfunded and underfunded activities should be separated with a justification in figures. You should also prioritize key areas so that Parliament can know what to lobby for in terms of funding,” said Hon. Richard Gafabusa (NRM, Bwamba County)

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