Parliament Demands Probe into Alleged Casino Activities at Uganda’s Dubai Consulate

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa, has called upon the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gen.Jeje Odongo, to address allegations regarding the misuse of Uganda’s consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), reportedly operating as a covert casino.

The issue was brought to light following media reports and was raised in Parliament on Thursday, 1 August 2024, by the Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon. Muwada Nkunyingi (NUP, Kyadondo County East), as a matter of national importance. Nkunyingi emphasized the need for a thorough investigation, highlighting the potential international ramifications if the allegations are proven true.

“Parliament advocated for this consulate to provide support and services to the thousands of Ugandans residing in Dubai. Turning the consulate into a casino and gambling house contravenes UAE laws, our national laws, and international laws governing diplomatic premises,” stated Nkunyingi.

He underscored that the consulate was established with the expectation of being managed lawfully and in accordance with legal standards. Nkunyingi further inquired about the disciplinary, diplomatic, and administrative measures being undertaken to address this situation.

The question was initially directed to Prime Minister Robinah Nabanjja, who recommended that the matter be handled by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. “The Minister mentioned here is also an MP. Now that you have requested a statement, I will ensure he comes here to provide a statement on the matter,” said Nabanjja.

Deputy Speaker Tayebwa confirmed that the Minister of Foreign Affairs is scheduled to present a statement regarding the allegations on Tuesday.

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