President Museveni lauds Acholi Sub-Region on electing NRM leaders

President Yoweri Museveni, who is also the National Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), has congratulated the people of the Acholi Sub-Region in Northern Uganda, for supporting and overwhelmingly electing Movement leaders in the recently concluded LC1 and LC2 elections as well as the women council leaders.

He said that their support to NRM is justifiable because the Movement has distinguished itself as a Party with a national character and identity that has done a lot to develop Uganda.

President Museveni made the remarks yesterday at Kaunda Grounds in Gulu Municipality where NRM celebrated the overwhelming victory the Party realised in the recently held Local Council 1 and Local Council 2 elections as well as Women Council elections. He said that Ugandans are right to support the Movement and for always voting for it because, unlike the other political groups in the country, the Movement was founded on the right philosophy and doctrine that emphasises the truth and non-sectarianism.


“Your support to the Movement is justifiable. When we came to leadership, Ugandans thought we were like other political parties that politicised religions and tribes; but you have proved us otherwise. We were members of those political parties as youth but we had to abandon them because they were exercising politics of lies, sectarianism and opportunism. We asked them what has tribe and religion got to do with the needs and development of Uganda,” he said.

Mr. Museveni said that as early as 1965, they had to leave those political parties and form a Students Movement that gave birth to the current National Resistance Movement that is not bothered about any person’s religion, tribe or gender but rather endeavours to utilise every person’s potential. He added that because of the right ideology, the National Resistance Movement has managed to build a strong Army of national character that does not bother about one’s tribe, religion or gender. It is that strong Army, he said, that managed to bring about peace and guarantee stability in Uganda.

“You cannot build an Army of relatives because your relative may not be the best marksman. You have to recruit on merit to have a strong and disciplined force like the UPDF,” he noted.

Mr. Museveni further said that because of peace and stability, Uganda has been able to develop with border-to-border tarmac roads, enough electricity and many other development programs. He, however, said that poverty among the majority of Ugandans is the remaining challenge the Movement is faced with.

He, therefore, appealed to all Ugandans to play their part in the fight against household poverty especially in the rural areas noting that emphasis there should be put on commercial profit-oriented agriculture. He informed the celebrants in particular and Ugandans at large that Uganda is a rich country and it is unacceptable to have the majority of her citizens wallow in poverty. He attributed poverty to the attitude of some people towards work.

The President expressed happiness that religious institutions are joining hands with government in the struggle to defeat poverty. He stressed that all other leaders need to do the same because poverty is a big scar to society.

Mr. Museveni revealed that the government is working on the mechanism to support Local Council leaders to enable them serve the country. He said that because of their big numbers government was not able to pay them salaries. He said that he had, however, instructed the Minister of Local Government to draft a mechanism on how those categories of leaders can be supported as their service to the country is of great importance.

Gulu NRM Chairperson, Ms Atim Betty Oleyowiya, on behalf of her colleagues in the Acholi Sub-Region said that the performance of the Movement in the recently concluded Local Council elections showed that the Party’s popularity had greatly improved. She predicted that the Movement is set to reap a landslide victory in the coming elections.


He reported that in Gulu District alone, out of the 141 LC1 posts, 73 went to NRM in addition to 26 NRM leaning Independent contestants. During the celebrations, President Museveni received over 200 people who crossed over to NRM from opposition political parties.

Earlier, President Museveni commissioned Equator Seeds Limited that is located in Koro Abili of Omoro North County in Omoro District.

Equator Seeds Ltd is an agricultural seed producing entity that also undertakes processing and marketing using its 7 processing plants countrywide. It processes produce that includes legumes, vegetables, oil seeds and cereals to enhance agricultural productivity.

Speaking at the plant, Mr. Museveni strongly appealed to the people of Uganda to appreciate the fact that agriculture is a clear source of wealth and employment. He, therefore, advised the people of Omoro Districts and the neighbouring Districts to make good use of Equator’s high quality seeds and engage in commercial profit oriented agriculture as a positive step forward to get rid of poverty.

He expressed happiness that many Ugandans have embraced modern agriculture but urged the population to always put into consideration the size of their land holdings in selecting the production enterprises to undertake.


He said that for those families that possess 4 acres of land and below, Government recommends production activities with high returns such as growing of coffee, fruits, zero-grazing, poultry, piggery and fish farming.

Mr. Tonny Okello, Managing Director of Equator Seeds Ltd, commended President Museveni for tirelessly working for peace and creating an enabling environment to work in and expand their business.

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