Katikkiro Mayiga Supports Release Of NUP Political Prisoners

He expressed his readiness to engage with the NUP to facilitate the release of the party supporters

Buganda’s Katikkiro, Charles Peter Mayiga, has voiced his support for Youth Minister Balaam Barugahara’s endeavor to urge President Museveni to release Opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters detained during the 2021 general election campaigns.

In a recent development, Minister Balaam appealed to the President for the release of NUP supporters held for political reasons.

Katikkiro Mayiga has affirmed his backing for Barugahara’s initiative and expressed his readiness to engage with the NUP to facilitate the release of the party supporters.

He conveyed these sentiments following a meeting with members of the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) at Bulange Mengo, where they urged Mayiga to procure kits for the Kabaka Birthday Run.

Members of PLU, led by State Minister for National Guidance, Godfrey Kabbyanga, purchased kits worth Shs20 million and expressed gratitude to Buganda for its inclusive hospitality, irrespective of race or political affiliation.

“We are immensely grateful to the Kabaka and the entire kingdom for their open-door policy, welcoming everyone regardless of religion or political affiliation,” Kabbyanga remarked.

The team included over 10 members of Parliament from various regions, as well as Balaam and Lilian Aber, the Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness, and Refugee Affairs.

Additionally, the Katikkiro welcomed Bishop Wilson Kisekka of Luwero Diocese, who led a delegation from Bulemeezi. Mayiga urged leaders in the area to collaborate and combat the rampant issue of defilement.

Furthermore, they contributed three million Uganda shillings to purchase kits in support of the Kabaka Birthday Run.

There’s been a surge in schools and institutions visiting Bulange to acquire kits for participation in the run, whose proceeds will be directed towards HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.

This year’s Kabaka Birthday Run, scheduled for Sunday, April 7, 2024, is witnessing unprecedented popularity under the theme “Men are stars in the fight against HIV/AIDS to save the Girl Child”.

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