Nabagereka Advocates for Health and Education Investment at Women’s Day Celebration”

The Nabagereka of Buganda Kingdom, Sylvia Nagginda, has advocated for significant investment in both the health and education sectors, arguing that this will stimulate desired development.

On April 3rd, 2024, Nagginda visited Semuto Health Center 4 in Nakaseke District as one of her first activities before presiding at the Buganda Kingdom’s Women’s Day Celebrations at Semuto playground in Nakaseke District (Bulemeezi County).

Nagginda was impressed to learn that after refurbishment, the institution could now admit more pregnant women than previously. According to Nagginda, providing adequate funding for health and education services allows the population to be more productive. She claims that health and education are far more essential than any other industry.

During the Kingdom’s Women’s Day celebrations, Nagginda addressed hundreds of women from the Kingdom’s 18 counties, including Buddu, Kyaddondo, Busiro, and Kyaggwe, as well as guests from all around, arguing that if education and health are prioritized, no country will fail to progress.

People who are in bad health will be unable to engage in productive activities, preventing them from financing school fees for their children and ensuring a brighter future.

Against that reasoning, she has emphasized the importance of constructing health facilities that are accessible to locals. She believes it is distressing for women to go long distances to receive medical care, despite the fact that they play a crucial role in growth. To be meaningful, Nagginda wants health clinics to be available and equipped with drugs.

She claims that every mother is more or less a health practitioner in her capacity because she spends the most of her time with her children, and when they get sick, it is the moms who provide first aid, emphasizing the importance of empowering women with basic health knowledge.

Speaking at the same ceremony with the topic “Women are important in fundamental development,” Mariam Mayanja Nkalubo, the Buganda Kingdom Lands, Agriculture, and Environment Minister, stated that this year, they are focusing on women’s savings clubs.

According to Minister Nkalubo, they want to ensure that every woman in Buganda is empowered to obtain land for commercial growing, particularly coffee, among other things.

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