President Museveni Hails Investment in Karamoja’s Cement Industry

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni expressed his desire for the people of the Karamoja sub-region to benefit from ongoing industrial development, particularly the establishment of a clinker and cement production plant in Moroto District.

The plant, being set up by West International Holding Limited, a subsidiary of China West Cement Limited, is seen as a significant economic opportunity for the region.

President Museveni says that the factory’s operation would not only save Uganda millions of dollars by producing clinker locally but also create jobs and generate tax revenue. He emphasized the need for local communities to find indirect ways to benefit from the factory, such as providing food and other goods and services to its workers.

“These factories, which are beginning to come, will gather a big population that will need to be fed so you will share the money of the factory through selling food to them. Are you willing to take that money, or do you want it to be taken by others? This is how the economy grows. I’m a cattle keeper, I sell milk in my village near Rwakitura but there they pay me between Shs600-1000 per litre but the people who are keeping cows near Kampala, they get more than Shs2000 per litre. Therefore, these factories which are coming in to bring more people together are very good for the area. Now produce food, build big hotels, build shops so that they can buy from you,” he said

Adding that: “All of you cannot come here to work in the factory but the workers in the factory don’t come with their own gardens yet they need food, they need milk, they need beef and others, that is how all other Karimojongs can come in,”.

The President praised the investment and mentioned that it would contribute significantly to Uganda’s economic development. He also encouraged other investors to explore opportunities in the country, especially in areas with valuable minerals like Karamoja.

“The good thing is that Karamoja has a number of important minerals; there’s limestone, marble, gold, and now we are looking at petroleum in the Kadam valley. For the cement, this is the factory now, it will use the limestone from the North of the Mountain. Now, the adding value to minerals is not going to only happen here, even in other places,” he said

However, President Museveni urged the region to maintain peace and security to ensure the success of industrial development. He also addressed cross-border issues and called for cooperation between neighboring communities to prevent conflicts over resources like cattle.

The event was attended by various government officials and dignitaries, highlighting the significance of the industrial project for the region’s economic growth

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