Local Governments Receive Initial Shs250 Million for Road Maintenance

The Minister for Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi, has confirmed that Parliament’s guidelines on how to use the Shs1 billion for road maintenance have been sent to all local governments.

The government has set aside Shs1 billion for each district, 10 cities, and 31 municipalities to improve roads in districts, cities, and communities, with the aim of enhancing access in rural areas and urban working environments.

During a session in the House on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, he stated, “We have also created a plan for each decision to help local governments understand what specific actions they should take.”

Magyezi informed the House that each district and municipality has already received Shs250 million for the first quarter and will use it as per Parliament’s decision. Initially, local governments were advised to use the funds for road rehabilitation, but Parliament has now directed them to use the money for road maintenance.

“I want to inform the house that this position was agreed upon by myself, the Minister for transport and works Hon Katumba Wamala and the Minister of Finance, Henry Musasizi” he said

Magyezi clarified, “Local government authorities may have been hesitant to spend the funds. However, this should not be seen as a lack of compliance with Parliament’s decision.”

“I am confident that they will use the funds as required by law and provide reports and accountability,” he added.

He also pointed out that changing the grant from rehabilitation to maintenance would allow local governments to work on more kilometers of road and improve the road network in rural areas and towns.

Magyezi urged Members of Parliament who are part of district roads committees to actively participate in committee activities to achieve the grant’s goals.

The grant will be administered in accordance with the Uganda Road Fund Act of 2008, and work plans for each district, city, and municipality will be approved by their respective district roads committees.

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