Mineral Development, Exploration Taking Root

2,249 ASMs miners have also been registered in Mubende; 1,614 ASMs in Namayingo and Busia districts

The mineral subsector in Uganda deals with geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys, regulation of mineral exploration, mines, geothermal exploration to establish the country’s mineral wealth and monitoring of geo-hazards.

Enforcement of compliance to Mining Act, 2003: Government has stopped all illegal mining activities in Mubende District and a Mineral Protection Police Unit has been put in place to curb any further illegal mining in the country. In line with the new mineral policy and mining legislation, the Ministry in collaboration with the National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA) will biometrically register all artisanal and small scale miners (ASMs) in the country.


Construction of mineral beneficiation centres: The Karamoja regional office block was completed. Two more will be constructed in Ntungamo and Fort Portal in FY 2018/19.

Certified Mineral Laboratory establishment: The laboratory equipment at DGSM has been repaired and analysis of minerals such as gold, tungsten, tin, tantalite (3Ts) is now possible.


Registration of persons involved in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASMs) and those that purchase gold from the artisans is ongoing. 2,249 ASMs miners have also been registered in Mubende; 1,614 ASMs in Namayingo and Busia districts; 1,692 ASMs in Karamoja Region; and 830 ASMs in Kikagati, Mwerasandu, Kakanena and Rwengoma, Ruhama Sub County, Ntungamo District while 155 gold buyers have been registered in Mubende under “Mubende Trust Gold Buyers and Traders Association”.


The country’s geochemical coverage still remains at 35% while geophysical surveys are at 80%. Eight (8) mineralized areas were discovered against an annual target of 3 and 6 potential Uranium resources targets against an annual target of two (2) in order to stimulate investment in the mining sector.


The main geothermal areas are Katwe-Kikorongo (Katwe), Buranga, Kibiro and Panyimur located in Kasese, Bundibugyo, Hoima and Pakwach districts respectively. Of the four areas, Kibiro and Panyimur are in advanced stages of surface exploration and soon drilling of the first deep exploration wells will be undertaken. Katwe-Kikorongo and Buranga are undergoing detailed surface exploration.


Licensing: The ministry of energy and mineral resources has licensed and inspected mining activities in the country to promote the application of environmentally friendly technologies and methods in mineral exploitation, and ensure adherence to health and safety regulations. In total, 716 mineral rights (licenses) are operational.

SUKULU PHOSPHATE AND STEEL PROJECT: M/S Guangzhou Dongsong Energy Group Co. Ltd is set to develop the Sukulu phosphate resource into phosphates, steel, glass, cement and brick products.

The company has so far constructed buildings to accommodate staff and workers plus putting in place an administration block and a dining hall. The company has also carried out geotechnical site investigations and established the type of soils where the plant is to be set up. Earthworks and grading of the site are now underway and pre-fabricated plant machinery for the first phase of the project has arrived in the country. All plants, including the steel mill, are expected to be in operation by December 2019.

So far, over 150 skilled Ugandan workers have been employed, and the number is expected to rise to over 1,000 by December 2019 when the plant is fully operational.

KILEMBE MINES PROJECT: M/S Tibet Hima Mining Company Ltd (THMCOL) that was awarded the concession to revitalize Kilembe Mines had its license revoked after it failed to perform and Government is now in the process of identifying a new operator for the Kilembe Mines.

AIRBORNE GEOMAP SURVEYS OF KASESE AND BUNYANGABU DISTRICTS: This is being conducted by M2 Cobalt, a Canadian Minerals Company to cover a total of 2943-line km helicopter-borne VTEMTMB-Field and Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer Geophysical Survey.

As of May 10th, the initial phase of the airborne geophysical survey (helicopter-borne VTEMTMB-Field and Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer Geophysical Survey) in Kasese and Bunyangabu Districts is 96% complete (2829 km have been flown).

Following completion of these blocks, M2Cobalt shall conduct the helicopter-borne geophysical surveys over specific blocks in the central region (in Kiboga, Mityana and Mubende) with an emphasis on cobalt-copper +/- nickel anomalies identified throughout geochemical and ground geophysical surveys conducted in those areas.

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