Speaker Declares Wealth, Urges Fellow Legislators To Follow Suit

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt Hon Anita Among has on Monday officially declared her wealth to the Inspectorate of Government.

Section 31(7) of the Leadership Code Act 2002 requires the Inspector General of Government and Deputies to declare their assets, liabilities, and incomes to the Speaker of Parliament.

Also, Articles 233 (2) and 234 of the Constitution of Uganda and Section 4 of the Leadership Code Act, 2021, require government officials and political leaders to declare to IGG their incomes, assets and liabilities every two years during the month of March.

Among met with officials from the Inspectorate on Monday. She stated that revealing wealth is necessary because it fights corrupt tendencies against leaders.

“Corruption is a vice that has eaten our society and billions of public funds are lost every year, denying the citizens opportunities and service delivery.” she said

Among urged the IGG to ensure all targeted government officials are properly investigated in accordance to the wealth they individually declare. She also encouraged other leaders who are yet to declare wealth to do it for transparency.

“I request Honorable Members of Parliament and staff of the Parliamentary Commission to follow suit and comply with the Leadership Code Act. As servants of the people holding offices in public trust, we are duty bound to promote a culture of transparency and accountability.” she said

Among hailed the IGG for complying with the law in a timely manner and setting the pace for this crucial process in our effort to promote transparency and accountability.

“The Quest for accountability, transparency and good governance are among the key priorities of the tenure of Parliament. I also reiterate the commitment of the Parliament to the rule of law and constitutionalism.” she said

The Inspector General of Government (IGG) Beti Kamya gave government leaders an ultimatum of 31 days during the month of March to declare their wealth.

Kamya said the exercise will run from March 1 and close on  March 31 noting that any leader who will not have declared by March 31 will be in violation of the law.

24,000 officers are expected to declare wealth within the specified period.

Those to declare assets include elected political leaders from sub-county level up to President.  Others are those appointed by the President such as permanent secretaries, heads of public institutions, board members of public institutions, and executive leaders of political parties.

In case of non-declaration, under declaration, over declaration and falsification of facts in declaration of assets, the sanctions include;  fines, demotion, dismissal from office, and confiscation of illicitly acquired assets.

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