Police Clarifies on CT Scan Report Interpreted by AIGP Byaruhanga

Enanga says the scan was done by a private health facility called the Kampala Imaging Centre but results were only interpreted by the Director Health Services at Police , AIGP Moses Byaruhanga.

The Uganda police force has dismissed media reports indicating it did a CT scan on one  Muhammed Kabanda was reportedly born with one Kidney.

According to police spokesperson Fred Enanga, a CT scan was carried out on Kabanda last week to prove if he had an unauthorized removal of his left kidney.

Enanga says the scan was done by a private health facility called the Kampala Imaging Centre but results were only interpreted by the Director Health Services at Police , AIGP Moses Byaruhanga.

He further explains that following the findings of the report by the Kabanda and his relatives, they approached Dr. Byaruhanga who shed more light on it.

Byaruhanga told the group that the CT scan that revealed Kabanda was born with no kidney, a condition called “Renal Agenesis”.

“Some of the colleagues from the media were quoting our director for police health services AIGP Dr.Moses Byaruhanga for having come out to inform Muhammad Kabanda and relatives that the CT scan report was indicating that he was born with one kidney. The CT scan report was not of the police,” says Enanga

He adds: “These people went to Kampala Imaging Centre and did a CT scan , they came with the report to the director health services who helped interpret it.

He explained to them the findings of the CT scan report which were clearly indicating that Kabanda was born with one kidney.  It was an observation from specialists of Kampala Imaging Centre.

Enanga adds that police are still investigating the matter despite Byaruhanga’s analysis on the findings of Kampala Imaging Center.

He says specialists and experts from the medical counsel are ascertaining if Kabanda was indeed born with one Kidney.

The management of Old Kampala has since dismissed these allegations of illegal Kidney removal.

Ann Katulege, the Old Kampala Hospital spokesperson said  that the case is under investigation by both the Police and Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council.

She stated that the final scans and results will be taken from Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Association Council because they are the ones who do a neutral investigation.

Kabanda, 25, a resident of Gangu village in Wakiso district is accusing the medical team at Old Kampala Hospital of removing his left kidney illegally and without his consent.

Kabanda and relatives allege that he was brought to the hospital unconscious, after he suffered a boda boda accident, but when he awakened, there was a scar on his left side of the stomach creating suspicion his kidney was removed. A CT scan conducted proved he had no kidney.

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