Parliament to Issue Warning Letters to All Absenting MPs

The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among has directed all committee chairpersons to submit attendance lists of MPs to her office, upon which warning letters are to be issued to culprits of absenteeism.

Speaking to Members of Parliament during Tuesday’s morning sitting, Among indicated that she had already accessed the plenary register and called for a meeting with committee chairpersons in which they are to submit their attendance registers.

“Government Chief Whip, Whip on the Opposition you have a lot of work to do,” Among warned. “Members are not attending the House, members are not attending committees…we are forced to give you warning letters…because we have talked about this each and every day. We are using taxpayers’ money but you are not in the constituency, not in the house…so where are you?” she said

She said that it was time for Parliament’s presiding officers to take action in order to solve the issue of absenteeism.

Among encouraged MPs to continue to ensure that their attendance of plenary sittings and committees is captured on the biometric system and attendance book respectively to enable a clear assessment.

The Speaker’s communication follows an earlier warning this month by her Deputy, Thomas Tayebwa to MPs and Ministers who do not attend plenary sittings. Tayebwa then said that any MP who misses 15 consecutive sittings of parliament was to lose their seat.

“You are all supposed to attend parliament, whether you are a Minister, Member of Parliament, or ex-officio minister. We have agreed that all members must attend, and if you miss 15 consecutive times, you risk losing your seat,” Tayebwa then said.

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