Museveni Directs Security Measures in Response to ADF Bomb Threats

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has advised the public to exercise caution and heightened security measures in their places of worship, bars, hotels, lodges, and rental properties.

This advice comes in response to recent bomb threats in the country, allegedly orchestrated by the Ugandan rebel group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

During his security address on Thursday evening, the president called on parishioners not to allow unfamiliar individuals into their churches, bar owners to deny entry to unknown patrons, and hotels, lodges, and rentals to request identification from anyone seeking access. He emphasized the importance of vigilance and encouraged citizens to report any suspicious activity to the police.

“Don’t allow anybody you don’t know in our church. Mine, in Kyamate, we know everybody by name. Anybody carrying a bag or somebody you don’t know in the area should not enter your bar or church. That is, your assignment now, contact the police. For the hotels and the lodges take particulars of the people, and make sure they bring their ID cards with their pictures.” said Museveni

He added that groups like the ADF exhibit a lack of strategic thinking and often employ newcomers or unfamiliar faces in an area, which ultimately works to their disadvantage because such individuals are easier to identify and deal with.

Museveni noted that the precautionary measure is to ensure that anyone unrecognizable is not allowed to enter your church, mosque, or bar. While markets should maintain organization and thorough screening of individuals entering, noting that same level of scrutiny should be applied to hotels and lodges, where requesting identification from anyone booking a room is crucial.

He reassured the public that security forces were actively addressing the bomb threats and hunting down ADF members in the DRC. He recalled a previous victory against the ADF in 2007 and hinted at the possibility of ADF members surrendering to avoid dire consequences, though he didn’t promise amnesty.

“These things of planting bombs are miscalculations by the ADF and we are going to defeat them. The other day more than three bombs were diffused by CMI and Police. The CMI have arrested seven people involved. The planners are in Congo and we are going for them, the Congo government has allowed us to operate from there.” he said

Adding that: “This ADF started because of the ideological disorientation in the Middle East, including South Sudan because some of our Moslem young people would go to those areas and get such nonsensical ideas that Islam is the only correct thing and therefore the rest must be killed. If you believe in such intolerant ideas then go to those areas of Pakistan not here in Africa. I told Omar Bashir (former Sudan President) that this is our indigenous land so if you are stupid and bring that nonsense here, we finish you.”

He further noted that the (ADF) and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), which originally emerged in Uganda, now choose to operate from Congo or Central Africa. “Uganda has its share of forests, so why don’t they use those? The answer lies in their inability to operate effectively within Uganda’s borders.” he said

Additionally, Museveni called upon the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) to make available former ADF rebels who had either surrendered or been captured for interviews with journalists. He stressed the importance of letting those directly involved in the conflict share their experiences and insights with the public to shed light on the ADF’s activities and history.

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